thoughts I have been thinking


Christian D. Larson ( 1886 - 1954 )

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lost In Transformation - Peter Matz

Synopsis " Angola is undergoing dramatic transformations.

... seems to have found political stability and has embarked on a path of economic growth that is among the strongest in the world. Moreover, it has immense tourist potential, which is still untapped.

In stark contrast, many Angolans continue to struggle, as poverty and corruption are rife. Nonetheless, the people of Angola are masters of survival and champions of joy and celebration.

Peter Matz lived in Angola from 2005 to 2007. During this time, he experienced many of the highs and lows the country has to offer, propelling him into a journey of spiritual transformation.

The book is illustrated with many of Peter's own pictures that illustrate the diversity and abounding paradoxes of Angola. "

The uncertainty of a Poet

I am a poet.
I am very fond of bananas.

I am bananas.
I am very fond of a poet.

I am a poet of bananas.
I am very fond.

A fond poet of " I am " _
Very bananas.

Fond of " Am I bananas ?
Am I ? " - a very poet.

Bananas of a poet!
Am I fond? Am I " very " ?

Poet bananas! I am.
I am fond of a " very ".

I am of very fond bananas.
Am I a poet?

by Wendy Cope * Featured in The Oxford Book of Children's Poertry

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Yaga - The deep song of our wild nature

Bring us back to where we came from
Infinite depth of knowledge
Garden flourishes and again dies
This is our cycle, religion

Life given and life taken dreams
We know what we know

Reborn in each of us, Yaga

Cleanse our thinking
Renew our values
Remove trivia building an enduring fire beneath us

We’re willing to burn hot
Burn with passion
Burn with words
Bring us back to where we're going

Friday, November 14, 2008

Knowing what we Know

" what lies underneath and beyond the obvious ? "
Clarissa Estés

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Less then Perfect

Angel’s masquerade
Inside sheep’s fur
Downhill deep your eyes
Shallow waters roasting
Fierce in sincerity of words unspoken

Faint smile,
Drowned in its own secrets
Captivity is a choice we make

Darkness Occurs
Craft no attachment to these words
And as for the last speech, call it psychosis
Blindness is a gift when you fear the light

Feeble foolish in their qualms
Shackling their hearts with suspicions
Perfection is an asylum

Who ever said that fear is a sign of weakness?

" Can you draw that fine line around sanity "

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Slowly it all fades to nothing
Yet nothing really fades away
It always leads to something

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Quietude em cada gota que dispersa cai sobre o chão de laje trilhada
Delicada chuva petiza
Pureza em cada melodia modulada
Com doçura desmedida,

Aonde esta dissuadida de razão se forja
No delírio de um poeta
Embriagado na sua própria imaginancia
Agasalhando de esplendor cada palavra

Tal qual o pensamento foge-se dentre as mãos
Rasgando verbos
Para apenas se encontrar

Beijar a chuva
Debaixo do mesmo céu
Efémero momento, timidez

Quietude em cada gota que dispersa cai sobre o chão de laje trilhada

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Thought in Surrender

Trebles inside me your voice unspoken, these are the last words.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Aromas vindos de onde vem,
Sonhos de canela e mel
Rasto sobre a areia,
Pedaços do meu trilho

Busca-os no tempo

Friday, August 15, 2008

Kwabena's Metamor - " FORCES "

" I see this period as a turning point in my life as an artist ...

... would like these works to be apprecciated like a jazz piece (with no lyrics) here the analogy seems to be justified ....

.... I believe it gets more exciting when you see a new kind of beauty and feel a new kind of enjoyment and fullfillment each time you look at the work and still have some questions ....

... art must be enjoyed and not necessarily understood before we can say it is art ...
... the satisfaction and enjoyment is mostly found in this seemingly haphazard attempt at abstraction...

Perhaps there is no other way we can enjoy them . "

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

" Beauty Full " - A Step Closer


For labeled bad and good things in life
For the breath taken every day that again I am given a choice
The love and elation
I embrace you


That it’s only one the life we’re blessed to live
That true love comes from within
And we are ultimately the makers of our own faith


In the moments I share with myself
When silence becomes music
And seclusion is path, “way through “
To know that rays of bliss are colorless


When I look back and declare each second of my life worth living once more
When in my mind I am free of judgment
When there’s no effort to breath
And seek nothing but to exist in this very moment


To know that all my heart desires are already mine
When I cease to crave tomorrow
And see the flowers that today blossom at my feet


Within then again without
For all the things I am and I still yet to become
When I find peace inside my soul
Haven in these words

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Thought in Acceptance

" Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it. "

J. Petit Senn

Friday, August 8, 2008

Carta à Mariazinha - Imponente e Solitario

Imponente e solitário espero ainda a tua chegada
Jamais apartada de mim
A minha volta apenas ruínas Maria e não sei mais se me reconheceras,
Aceitaras assim

Demarco a minha presença para que tu minha Maria
Me encontres quando me buscares
Vinda de onde vens voltares
Do chão que te consumiu
Sonâmbulo escuto a tua voz ressoar
Tenho medo de não mais te poder consolar
Engolir ao invés de ti o grito frio da escuridão
Enterraram a tua memoria Maria

Solitário espreito o anoitecer

Esquartejaram-me a esperança

Roubaram-te do meu olhar

Levanta Maria, volta para eu te poder salvar...

Monday, June 23, 2008

A thought on kindness

" That best portion of a good man's life are his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. "
( William Wordsworth )

Saturday, June 21, 2008


We start a new life yet the life we lived before can never and will by no means cease being ours, written off our books, in spite of us turning the page and again a new chapter being written.

A different picture,
a new book perhaps
These lines too are nothing but a reflection, a souvenir …

... mirror to the past.

Again it will all revolve there where its existence was never brought to an end.


Desconsolado sorriso apartado de si mesmo
Sem ter mais porque encantar
Sou assim

Promessas e silencio …
Sem que eu queira anoitecem
Enegrecem o olhar

Delírio de quem já de lágrimas se embriagou,

Musa de si mesma
Jamais desejei, sonhei
Cantar um cântico
Triste assim

Alvorecer frio da manha
Sem que eu queira anoiteço