thoughts I have been thinking


Christian D. Larson ( 1886 - 1954 )

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Carta à Mariazinha VI - Esquartejaram-me a esperança


Viram-te passar
Não eras carne nem eras alma
Sugerias ser apenas como ondulação do mar
Nula de feições

Reflectias, Mariazinha
Anos esvaziados, envelhecidos em nós
Nesta busca insaciável
Em que jamais nos atravessamos

Carregavas, Maria
O frígido olhar da alvorada
Num silêncio esmorecido
Sorriso seco e desconsolado

O ressoar da tua voz
Desvaneceu -se na escuridão
Esvaziaste -te no horizonte
Para que nunca te reencontre  


When you fall frail
For the love of words
Nothing else is of real relevance

Beauty is
Never "with-out"



Sem nunca te anunciares
Deslizas-te em mim
Ardes... quente, picante
Aceleras-me o sangue

Sopras-me segredos
Murmuras os teus medos
Tatuo a pele
Com a saliva dos teus versos

E é inundado pela emoção
Até ficar sem voz
Que rogo, gemo, imploro
Afogo-me nesta paixão
Que, desagua na tua foz

Por segundos todo teu
Embebedas-te em mim
Secas-me a garganta
Sugas-me o suor

Somes-te, daqui
Cruel advinhas-me
Pertencer só a ti

E quando me disserem 
Que os dias,
Não terão mais sabor
Continuarei firme,

Continuarei certa

Quando as cortinas caem
Continuo a ser eu,
Escreve-se em mim
Um novo poema 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Life it´s not the forceful and complex act of breathing

It's about yearning, the wanting, the finding, the losing and in all this be content
It's the stillness in fierce choices and attitudes that we have
It's the breath released by our very own souls when we stumble upon the perfect storm and yet, see the beauty in it
It's about loving; your very own essence
It's about embracing, your " God given - life learnt " strength  
It's about dying, just so you can live again
It's about surrendering, at the sight of a strangers smile
It's about accepting that indeed, you are the writer of your own destiny
It's about forgiving yourself, for the any pain you've ever inflicted upon yourself
It's about remembering that you're part of a whole and extension of something greater
It's about releasing all of that which threatens the very existence of your soul
It's about allowing yourself to flourish into a better version
It's about being and... let others be...

It's taste, is much sweeter when we choose to do more than breathing

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bring us back to where we are going

Monday, August 24, 2009

Where do we draw the line around sanity?
We cant begin to judge people's mind and attitudes if, we cant understand our own.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tenho o carro em ponto morto !!!

" Quando permito que tudo apenas seja, tudo funciona perfeitamente, exactamente como quero, pois desisto de querer que seja de outra forma.

O truque está em abrir mão de querer.

Quando abandono as minhas ideias preconcebidas sobre onde é que a chuva deve cair, e deixar que caia onde tem de cair, então não há questões sobre o que fazer.

Em vez de lutar e resistir, posso ocupar-me de cada situação conforme acontece.

Ponho o carro em ponto morto.

Descontraio-me e deixo que as coisas sejam como são. Aprecio o quanto tudo funciona na perfeição. "

Adpatado por: Hugo Jorge

Psicólogo | Ludoterapeuta | Formador

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Diluted qualms in your hymn
I am dreaming in the intensity of your trance
Suspended in the in-sanity of your prose

Surreal in the certainty of what is
Within your eyes I found mine
Procrastinate my delirium

I will reshape my words until they find yours

Crying loud desires
In surrender I so
Submerge myself in you
Confess my love to you

Deep-en your melody
Reverse in verve once more
Carelessly let love make us
While we angel, make us love

I will rephrase my words until they find yours

Prey to our sins
Loud again my moans hush
Silence becomes music
Under the shower soaked
Besieged in desire

I will revive my words until they find yours

Quench the sea of its thirst
In elation sweat, steam and
Sweet againt sweat

We remain unharmed
I will rest my heart in yours
Uncertainly sage
Serene linger our song

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Beauty Full " - A Step Closer II

Within then again without
For all the things that I am and I’m still yet to become
I find peace inside my soul
The flowers keep in bloom
Indeed I am, blessed

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In Sincerety

My words vow they're made of truth

Ground me in your rhythm, angel
Deep down me dwell
Warm spell my skin shrouds

Loud singing me, loud
Blind me not and instead bind
Remote rhymes I could not find

Flawlessness beyond intention
I’ll carve this marble until it sculpts us
Reshape my words to murmur yours

Poetry with-in me, pours
Your taste inside my soul
Howl me, drums and drum again

My words vow they're made of truth

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A thought in acceptance

Have come to understand the way of the dead
Liberated from life so they can live again

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Poema de Cetim

Desagua emoção
Meu poema de cetim
Sigilos resguardos
Murmúrios apenas

Descosido sentimento
Aqui ou noutro lugar
Recalcados soluços
De um canto sonolento

Meu órfão delírio
Mortificada paixão

Angustiada lembrança
Em reprimidos gemidos
Um regresso retornado
Amargurada memória

Sangra-me o olhar
Secado de lágrimas
Meu quebranto
Nostalgia e pranto

Sentimento cru
Presságio da alma

Desagua emoção
Meu poema de cetim
Sigilos resguardos
Murmúrios apenas

Nossas almas descarnadas
Embriagadas de amnésia
Estilhaçada promessa
Velejando em insónias

Poesia despojada
Defraudada de palavras

Suavemente adormecida
Minha canção de embalar
Singramo-nos em nada
Devaneios suspendidos

Desvanecida pende a nossa senil memoria
Exausta de pesar
Nosso encontro de saudade
Será para jamais

Separa o véu do meu rosto
Despercebida ilusão

Desagua emoção
Meu poema de cetim
Sigilos resguardos
Murmúrios apenas
Eu retorno a lucidez
Ao fulgor da minha alma
Comigo levo apenas nada
E um poema de cetim

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sem nunca revelar segredos

Então nos tornamos um
Na tontura da noite doçura
Ao mesmo tempo em que o prazer abraça
O beijo cativante amanhecendo
Minha manha de versos, verbos
Música de uma voz ofegante, distante
Nesse instante serei tudo,
Acima de tudo verdade

Monday, April 13, 2009

Carta à Mariazinha II - Não espreites mais a minha voz

Recebi a tua carta
Correu-me uma única lágrima apenas
Seca, entresteceu-se
Envelheceu-me o olhar

Sonânbulei noite a dentro
Engoli, o grito mudo da escuridão
Secou-se de mim a alma

Enterraram o teu olhar
Senti a tontura de te ver partir
Sem que nunca me tenhas deixado

Revistiram-me de silêncio
Não espreites mais a minha voz
Já não a reconheceras
" What do we say in incidence of silence? "

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

E quando é qe um poeta nao escreve mais
Quando é que um poeta nao se encontra mais
Quando é que um poeta não encanta mais
E quando é que um poeta nao se esconde mais

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Power is the control you have over yourself. "

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ilumina Senhor, o seu caminho de volta a casa

Andamos desconsolados,
Pesarosos pelos estranhos trilhos que a vida nos apresenta Senhor
Tal qual o vento decepado
Cremos somente na tua misericórdia

Descaem-se lágrimas sobre os rostos e ainda assim,
Não disputamos nem opinamos
Não julgamos os teus desígnios
Somos órfãs de amor sem ti

Hoje rogo-te Senhor,
Por esse ente querido que te serviu e amou
Clamo a tua graça e amparo em nome do teu filho amado
Ilumina Senhor, o seu caminho de volta a casa
Abre o teu manto de luz
Alcança-a com os teus braços

Confessamos as nossas fraquezas nesta hora
Confiamos e esperamos em ti
Tens sido e serás
O nosso salvador

Em memoria de Manuela Ramos Da Cruz (Nocas)
( Deus tem-te nas mãos, descansa em paz. )

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



Friday, January 2, 2009

La serenissima

Remotely you,
Tenuously addicted to who we're not.

Cling, cling and again cling
Outside us

Unsolicited answer

Stalk the wood and its streams
Remind me

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Un - Veiled


Monday, December 29, 2008

Lost In Transformation - Peter Matz

Synopsis " Angola is undergoing dramatic transformations.

... seems to have found political stability and has embarked on a path of economic growth that is among the strongest in the world. Moreover, it has immense tourist potential, which is still untapped.

In stark contrast, many Angolans continue to struggle, as poverty and corruption are rife. Nonetheless, the people of Angola are masters of survival and champions of joy and celebration.

Peter Matz lived in Angola from 2005 to 2007. During this time, he experienced many of the highs and lows the country has to offer, propelling him into a journey of spiritual transformation.

The book is illustrated with many of Peter's own pictures that illustrate the diversity and abounding paradoxes of Angola. "

The uncertainty of a Poet

I am a poet.
I am very fond of bananas.

I am bananas.
I am very fond of a poet.

I am a poet of bananas.
I am very fond.

A fond poet of " I am " _
Very bananas.

Fond of " Am I bananas ?
Am I ? " - a very poet.

Bananas of a poet!
Am I fond? Am I " very " ?

Poet bananas! I am.
I am fond of a " very ".

I am of very fond bananas.
Am I a poet?

by Wendy Cope * Featured in The Oxford Book of Children's Poertry

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Yaga - The deep song of our wild nature

Bring us back to where we came from
Infinite depth of knowledge
Garden flourishes and again dies
This is our cycle, religion

Life given and life taken dreams
We know what we know

Reborn in each of us, Yaga

Cleanse our thinking
Renew our values
Remove trivia building an enduring fire beneath us

We’re willing to burn hot
Burn with passion
Burn with words
Bring us back to where we're going

Friday, November 14, 2008

Knowing what we Know

" what lies underneath and beyond the obvious ? "
Clarissa Estés

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Less then Perfect

Angel’s masquerade
Inside sheep’s fur
Downhill deep your eyes
Shallow waters roasting
Fierce in sincerity of words unspoken

Faint smile,
Drowned in its own secrets
Captivity is a choice we make

Darkness Occurs
Craft no attachment to these words
And as for the last speech, call it psychosis
Blindness is a gift when you fear the light

Feeble foolish in their qualms
Shackling their hearts with suspicions
Perfection is an asylum

Who ever said that fear is a sign of weakness?

" Can you draw that fine line around sanity "

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Slowly it all fades to nothing
Yet nothing really fades away
It always leads to something

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Quietude em cada gota que dispersa cai sobre o chão de laje trilhada
Delicada chuva petiza
Pureza em cada melodia modulada
Com doçura desmedida,

Aonde esta dissuadida de razão se forja
No delírio de um poeta
Embriagado na sua própria imaginancia
Agasalhando de esplendor cada palavra

Tal qual o pensamento foge-se dentre as mãos
Rasgando verbos
Para apenas se encontrar

Beijar a chuva
Debaixo do mesmo céu
Efémero momento, timidez

Quietude em cada gota que dispersa cai sobre o chão de laje trilhada

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Thought in Surrender

Trebles inside me your voice unspoken, these are the last words.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Aromas vindos de onde vem,
Sonhos de canela e mel
Rasto sobre a areia,
Pedaços do meu trilho

Busca-os no tempo

Friday, August 15, 2008

Kwabena's Metamor - " FORCES "

" I see this period as a turning point in my life as an artist ...

... would like these works to be apprecciated like a jazz piece (with no lyrics) here the analogy seems to be justified ....

.... I believe it gets more exciting when you see a new kind of beauty and feel a new kind of enjoyment and fullfillment each time you look at the work and still have some questions ....

... art must be enjoyed and not necessarily understood before we can say it is art ...
... the satisfaction and enjoyment is mostly found in this seemingly haphazard attempt at abstraction...

Perhaps there is no other way we can enjoy them . "